10 reasons why you are probably not losing weight

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Everybody has to encounter obstacles in their weight loss journey. We can’t be perfect, and it is natural for anyone to be thrown off their track occasionally, but that doesn’t mean they have messed up for good. If you ever find yourself in such situations, don’t set yourself up for failure by believing that.

Woman checking weight on scales

A successful weight loss journey is never without a struggle. It will force you to come out of your comfort zone, leave behind your old habits and start eating and exercising the right way. Believe me, you won’t find a single day pass by without a hitch. According to an expert clinical nutritionist, Samantha Heller, at the New York University Medical Center in New York City, everybody has to encounter obstacles in their weight loss journey. We can’t be perfect, and it is natural for anyone to be thrown off their track occasionally, but that doesn’t mean they have messed up for good.

If you ever find yourself in such situations, don’t set yourself up for failure by believing that. There are going to be ups and down in any process that demands changes in your lifestyle habits.

You will have to understand that you are on your way to lifelong success and it is only you who can stop yourself from losing weight.

Not losing weight!

Here are 10 good reasons that can keep you from losing your weight.

Instant result.

People will ditch their new diet.

Many people when they don’t see instant results, they give up. According to a survey, as much as 40% of the people will ditch their new diet if they don’t see results in two weeks. But then that’s not the sustainable way to lose weight. When you expect too much from your diet, it creates a cycle of deprivation and overindulgence.

Past failure.

If you have failed in the past to lose your weight.

Many a time people are afraid that they won’t be able to keep it off and this fear keeps them from trying. If you have failed in the past, don’t beat yourself up, instead, look for a situation that triggered it and work out ways to handle it.

Emotional eating.

People often eat to distract themselves from negative issues.

Many women have accepted that they often eat to distract themselves from negative issues in their lives. Emotional eating is no solution to your problems in life. Instead, it is only going to pile up more weight. Look for positive ways like exercise, yoga, and meditation to curb your eating craving when you are emotionally down.

Portion size.

You may not lose weight if you eat more calories than your body is able to burn. Size does matter when food is concerned. Knowing the right portion size when having food will help your weight loss regime. Whenever you put yourself up to lose weight, reduce your meal size by a few spoons. This way you won’t go hungry. The most creative way would be to start using a small size plate and fill it.


You may feel a strong craving for snacks or unhealthy food if your body and your emotional self don’t know when the next meal is coming. Be consistent with your mealtime and never miss a meal. Don’t let your body feel deprived.

Unrealistic deadline.

Unrealistic goals and deadlines can sabotage your weight loss goals.

Setting up an unrealistic goals and deadlines can sabotage your weight loss goals. But when you set up for yourself realistic weight-loss expectation, you set yourself up for success and also actually enjoy the process to lose weight.

Make it measurable.

If you have not setup any system to measure your progress periodically, you have all chances to fail. There are multiple ways in which you can measure your progress. Like you can weigh yourself to keep track of pounds you lose each week or you can measure your waistline at the end of each week.


Deciding to never eat them is a sure recipe for disaster.

If you have a crush for a food that is high in calories, deciding to never eat them is a sure recipe for disaster. Because when temptation hits you and wins, you will be left feeling failed. Instead, have them once a while but in moderation.

Come out of diet mentality.

Many people fail in their diet regime because for them it is a kind of short term crash course to lose weight. Instead, stop calling it diet and adopt it as a lifelong lifestyle.

Poor habits.

Many people aren’t able to lose weight because of their poor habits like grabbing a cup of coffee while on their way to their workstation or having handful of candy beans every now and then or propensity to plop down on the couch and stay there for hours after work. These poor habits can disrupt your ability to lose weight despite your honest efforts.

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